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    Basic parameters of a staircase: what to consider when choosing

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    Transforming Your Kitchen with Microcement Countertops

    Photo by Jamie Saw on Unsplash

    When buying a staircase, you need to decide on various factors – purpose, type of construction, materials of stair, dimensions, etc. The most difficult thing is to choose the right option based on dimensions.

    Height and depth of the staircase

    Height refers to the distance from the floor of the first to the floor of the second floor. The height of the staircase can be:

    • For example, 2800 mm. Standard serial models for cottages and multi-level apartments are produced with a fixed height.
    • For example, 2730-2940 mm. The best option, since you can choose the model you like regardless of its height and adjust the height during installation and they are made to measure.

    Depth is the length that the staircase occupies in space (the length of the horizontal projection). For structures with adjustable height that are really made to order, when sawing or reducing the number of steps, the depth also decreases. The depth directly depends on the angle of inclination.

    Photo by Ariel Domenden on Unsplash

    Number of steps

    Climbing a long straight staircase can be quite tiring, regardless whether it is carbon neutral or not, so it is recommended to choose models with no more than 16 steps. If this is not possible due to the height, then landings are provided in the staircase structures. These are L- and U-shaped staircases with small landings. The turn of the flight of oak stairs on the landing can be 90 or 180 degrees.

    Load capacity

    Directly depends on the size of the staircase, the width and method of fastening the steps, materials and other parameters, presence of glass balustrade. A load of up to 180 kg is considered standard and, in most cases, sufficient. Metal spindles also play a huge role because they take up some of the weight of the structure.


    Charming rustic cabin exterior with a vintage wooden hot tub in a lush outdoor setting.
    Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels

    The effect of a log cabin with hot tub can tone, relieve tension, relax, improve well-being. But installation of a hot tub is quite complicated, and calling in specialists will cost a pretty penny.

    Design and operating principle

    To install hot tub with your own hands, it is important to know the design features and operating principles of hydromassage plumbing.

    A typical set of technical equipment for a hot tub includes:

    • compressor (intake);
    • pump;
    • electronic or pneumatic control systems;
    • nozzles;
    • pipe systems.

    With the help of a pump, water enters the hydromassage system, enters the compressor, where water and air are mixed. The stream enters the nozzles, after which it is fed under pressure into the bath.

    The type of massage depends on the type of nozzles. Sewer pipes are connected to the pipe system.

    Some models include the following as additional elements:

    • a drainage system that ensures uninterrupted water circulation;
    • audio or video installation;
    • built-in modules for chromo-, aroma- and ozone therapy.

    A hot tub kits may include several additional nozzles that can be easily installed if desired. In this case, a more powerful pump will be required, which should be purchased separately. A large tub will require a powerful pump.

    Choose a location

    Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

    Before installing a structure outdoors, it is important to carefully select a location for log cabin with hot tub uk to create the perfect atmosphere and ensure comfortable use.

    Choose a suitable location. It should be convenient for use, have a good appearance, and meet the safety and design requirements of the hot tub.

    Make sure the base for the hot tub is level and solid. Correct any imperfections and prepare the site if necessary.

    Check the electrical system and install the hot tub close to an outlet. Make sure the system meets the requirements and has sufficient power.

    Check access to water and sewerage. Provide easy access to the water supply device and make sure that the water can be drained from the hot tub.

    Ensure safety. Install the necessary fences around the hot tub to prevent accidental falls or other accidents. Also install lighting in the main use area of ​​the hot tub for comfortable and safe use at night.

    Preparation of the place

    Photo by Jamie Fenn on Unsplash

    Proper preparation of the place for installing the hot tub will allow you to fully enjoy its use and ensure the durability and reliability of the structure.

    1. Consider privacy. Choose a location that provides privacy. If you do not want your neighbors to see you, choose a location that is not directly under their windows or in sight of the road.
    2. Prepare the base. Install the hot tub on a flat and solid surface. For this, use special rubber pads or wooden tiles.
    3. Room size. In addition to the hot tub, consider the size of the room for easy entry and exit. Make sure there is enough space around you for movement and maintenance.
    4. Light and view. Consider installing the hot tub near a light source or illuminate the surrounding area. This will create a pleasant atmosphere, especially in the evening. Choose a location with a beautiful view.
    5. Landscaping and maintenance. Install the hot tub conveniently for connection to electricity and water. Provide easy access for maintenance. Consider a roof or umbrella for protection from the sun or rain.

    Choosing the right location for your hot tub is important to creating the perfect outdoor getaway. Following these tips will help you create a cozy place for relaxation and enjoyment.

    White And Brown Building
    Photo by Lina Kivaka on Pexels

    London is a metropolis with diverse neighborhoods and different types of housing. The cost of cleaning services after the end of tenancy London can vary significantly depending on the location and type of accommodation. Find out the different areas of London and the types of housing, as well as approximate options for cleaning services.

    Various areas of London

    London consists of many districts, each of which has its own characteristics and price level. Some of London’s most famous neighborhoods include:

    • Central London: the area is home to business districts, cultural attractions and chic shopping streets such as Mayfair, Covent Garden and Soho.
    • West London: prestigious areas such as Notting Hill, Kensington and Chelsea are located here. In these areas, prices for housing and services can be significantly higher.
    • North London: this area includes popular areas such as Camden, Islington and Hampstead. Here you can find a wide range of accommodation and a variety of services.
    • East London: the area has become popular in recent years due to the development of regeneration. It includes areas such as Shoreditch, Spitalfields and Canary Wharf.
    • South London: this area is known for its beautiful parks, residential areas and cultural attractions. It contains areas such as Greenwich, Brixton and Clapham.

    How to prepare an apartment after the end of the rental period

    Group of People Cleaning a Dining room
    Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels

    • Clean the apartment of all the things left by the previous tenants. This includes cleaning furniture, dishes, bed linen and other items, as well as taking out garbage.
    • To clean the apartment. This includes cleaning all rooms, including bathroom, kitchen, bedrooms and living room. Order carpet cleaning London. Make sure that all surfaces are washed, floors are washed, windows are washed.
    • Check the condition of the furniture and, if necessary, repair or replace it. Make sure that all the furniture is in good condition.
    • Check the condition of the equipment and, if necessary, repair or replace it. Make sure that all household appliances are working properly.
    • Check the operability of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Make sure that they function without problems.
    • Disinfect and deodorize the room. This will help to remove any unpleasant odours and protect new residents from extraneous micro-organisms.
    • Create a beautiful and cozy atmosphere in the apartment using bright and pleasant colors, as well as placing some decorative elements.
    • Prepare all the necessary documents for new tenants, such as a lease agreement, instructions for using appliances and information about the rules of residence.

    After completing all these steps, the apartment will be ready for new residents and they will have a comfortable and comfortable stay.

    Differences in the cost of cleaning by type of housing

    a living room filled with furniture and a large window
    Photo by Robbie Duncan on Unsplash

    There are various types of housing in London, from luxury apartments to standard apartments. The cost of cleaning may vary depending on the following factors:

    • Luxury Apartments: if you live in luxury apartments, expect the cleaning cost to be higher. Luxury apartments often have a large area and require special attention to detail and quality of cleaning.
    • Standard apartments: the cost of cleaning standard apartments will usually be lower compared to luxury apartments. However, it can still vary depending on the size and condition of the apartment.
    • At home: if you live in a house, the cost of cleaning will depend on the size of the house and the number of bedrooms, bathrooms and other rooms that require cleaning.

    Contact cleaning experts today to book your cleaning appointment and evaluate professional and reliable services.


    Photo by Daniel Frank on Pexels

    Renders have existed for thousands of years, and during this time many variations have been invented. But silicone render last a long time. How do they differ from their regular counterparts? And is their price justified?

    The renders have a complex formula, but the main thing in their composition is silicone resin. It is this that has rid the ancient finishing material of its main drawback – a tendency to crack.


    So, the first and main advantage of silicone renders is elasticity. The material firmly adheres to the walls when the house “moves” due to seasonal soil movements or other deformations. Traditional renders, even the highest quality ones, often do not withstand such tests, and after 2-4 years require repairs at best, and replacement at worst.

    By the way, silicone renders are an excellent way out of the situation when you need to finish a newly built house. As you know, shrinkage processes are especially strong in the first years of operation, and ordinary leveling mixtures do not last long.

    Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

    Impervious to moisture

    However, elasticity is not the only advantage. After hardening, silicone render becomes impervious to moisture. Moreover, rainwater is beneficial – thanks to it, the facades are self-cleaning. Heavy dirt can be removed by washing with a garden hose.


    The mineral component provides silicone renders with high vapor permeability. In simple terms, the walls under them “breathe”, which means there is no need to worry about mold formation.


    Manufacturers have managed to rid silicone renders of another problem of mineral materials – efflorescence. Whitish spots on the walls do not form, even if the house is located in a coastal region, where the air is saturated with sea salt.

    When drying, silicone render practically does not shrink and does not emit unpleasant odors.

    Decorative properties of render

    But what about decorative house rendering? First of all, we note that the material is available in many colors. Moreover, it can be tinted, which further expands the designer’s options. The number of shades is in the thousands.

    As for the texture, the choice is the same as with conventional renders: “bark beetle” with grooves resembling the passages of a wood-boring beetle, “lamb” with curls similar to sheep’s wool, “Venetian render”, etc.

    Photo by Antoni Shkraba on Pexels

    Application technology

    Silicone renders are intended for application on mineral surfaces – brick, stone, concrete, renderboard, etc. They can also be used in “wet facade” systems to protect the insulation over the reinforcing mesh.

    As in the case of traditional renders, a number of preparatory works must be carried out before finishing, otherwise the expensive material will not last even a couple of years. The walls are thoroughly cleaned of dirt, old paint is removed, if any, large cracks and chips are repaired, and small ones, 1-2 mm deep, are cleaned. It is advisable, and sometimes necessary, to use a primer such as “concrete contact”. It will remove dust from the surface, strengthen it and make it evenly absorbent.

    Actually, finishing works can be carried out at temperatures from +5 to +30 ° C. But in hot weather, you need to protect the wall from direct sunlight by installing an awning. If you do not do this, the render will dry too quickly, which will have a negative effect on adhesion and may lead to cracking.

    Silicone render is supplied ready for use. It is enough to mix it well, and if it has thickened, add a little water. The viability of the composition is maintained for 30-120 minutes for different manufacturers. It can be applied both manually and using special machines. However, in the second case, you need to choose a material specially designed for this.

    Image by leemelina08 from Pixabay

    The boiler is a reliable and convenient source of hot water at home. However, regular cleaning and maintenance must be carried out for its efficient operation and long service life. This is the only way to extend its service life, as well as prevent breakdowns and other troubles. It is necessary at certain intervals to clean the coil, the inner tank, the heating element from scale and other contaminants that have accumulated inside, as well as replace the magnesium anode. It is better to call a specialist from Boiler Service Ballymena in order not to damage the equipment.

    Why clean boilers?

    Cleaning your boiler plays a key role in maintaining its efficient operation. For example, each boiler of the storage type is a large tank, where water is constantly heated by means of a coil or heating element. Dirt gradually accumulates on the walls, and scale forms on the heating element.

    Clean your boiler periodically to:

    Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

    • Eliminate the scale that accumulates during operation on the elements that provide water heating (coil in indirect type water heaters or in the heating element of conventional boilers).
    • Prevent decrease in the efficiency of the water heater as a result of poor heat transfer of the coil or heating element.
    • Do not allow the tank to collapse as a result of corrosion.
    • Avoid the failure of an electric heating element as a result of overheating (this happens when the heating element is constantly running, but the water does not warm up enough, since much sediment in the form of scale formed on it.
    • Reduce the cost of paying for electricity: – people often face increased electricity consumption, which is needed for heating, because of poor efficiency of the heating element or coil.
    • Improve the quality of water: as a result of tank contamination, extraneous unpleasant smells are often formed in it, micro-organisms develop.

    Only regular cleaning helps to prevent the formation of scale and maintain the optimal boiler functioning.

    Image by Manfred Antranias Zimmer from Pixabay

    Casablanca Marquees emphasizes the importance of using the right tools for the safe and efficient erection of marquees, ensuring that each structure is both sturdy and aesthetically pleasing. The key tool recommended by Casablanca Marquees for this task is a professional marquee installation kit, which typically includes heavy-duty hammers for securing stakes into the ground, pullers for adjusting the tension of the ropes, and specialized marquee pegs that are designed to handle different soil types and weather conditions. Additionally, they suggest using a torque wrench to ensure that all bolts and fittings are tightened to the correct specifications, reducing the risk of structural failures under load or in windy conditions.

    For larger or more complex setups, a scaffold tower may be necessary to safely install higher elements like roofs and lighting. Casablanca Marquees also recommends having a good quality ladder, a set of ratchet straps for securing the marquee’s structure, and a spirit level to ensure everything is perfectly horizontal. These tools, combined with the expertise of experienced installers, guarantee that each marquee is erected safely and efficiently, providing a reliable and elegant venue for any event.

    Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay

    There is one rule that requires strict adherence: before buying materials and equipment for repairs, you need to make a plan. This applies to both spacious and tiny rooms. Otherwise, there is a high risk of not guessing with the size and making offensive, ridiculous mistakes. To avoid making these mistakes, you should first consult with London City Plumbers.

    Small bathrooms and combined bathrooms require a particularly careful approach, which must accommodate all the necessary equipment, including cabinets and a washing machine. Think in advance about which plumbing fixtures to choose for the bath after taking measurements and drawing up a plan for communication outlets: water and sewer pipes, heating pipes, sockets and wires for lamps, ventilation.

    Water flows most efficiently through a pipe in a straight direction. When a change of direction is necessary to overcome obstacles during pipework construction. Every angle or bend is a change of direction and will add resistance. This will reduce the rate at which water flows through the inner core of the pipe.

    You can see the ingenious use of a curved pipe in plumbing beneath a bath or kitchen sink, and even built into the ceramic of a toilet bowl. The designers actually create the curvature to establish an airlock between the outgoing pipe and the air in the property. The curved design of the pipe is essential in plumbing as it provides minimal resistance, facilitating the smoother flow of water.

    Why is a curved pipe put in place beneath plumbing fixtures?

    The correct term for this curvature use in plumbing is a trap, a trap is used to prevent foul air entering a property. Not only does a trap separate the internal air from that of the sanitary pipework. But it also creates a barrier to stop the entry of insects and rodents through pipes. Installing traps is crucial for maintaining proper sanitation and hygiene within a building.

    How Does a Trap Actually Work: And What Is It Made Of ?

    The word trap bares a striking familiarity to what it actually does. After using a plumbing fixture, the wastewater then flows away. The curvature of the trap holds a small amount of water after being used. This water creates a barrier that stops foul air further down the pipeline entering the property. By utilizing an intuitive design, a trap makes use of some critical elements of nature. Such as gravity, air density, and, most importantly, water.

    Most commonly, traps and accompanying pipework are made of plastic because it is cost-effective and durable. However, when ethical considerations come into play, some individuals opt for a more luxurious metallic chrome finish. Consumers highly value aesthetic appeal, especially when intricate pipework is visible, adding a touch of sophistication to the overall design. Nonetheless, sanitary pipework is discreetly concealed, hidden out of sight beneath a bath or sink, serving as an essential conduit for water used in a property.

    Image by Unsplash+

    Why shouldn’t you neglect the services of a technician to clean the water supply or replace some components, even if there is a man at home?


    Such a professional as, for example, Commercial gas engineer, knows how to do his job correctly so that later there are no problems with the gas supply or a leak does not occur. You may not know about such things. Sometimes simple carelessness due to lack of experience can be unpredictably expensive.


    How long does it take you to fix a faucet? Without experience, this “simple” work can take up your entire day off and a good half of your nerves. A good plumber will have time to cope with the main task and also help in other matters. A professional has all the necessary tools and doesn’t need to watch videos on YouTube to understand the problem.


    plumber working
    Image by Unsplash+

    There are various tricks that are related to safety precautions. How to lift weights so as not to injure your back, how to work with electricity and not get an electric shock, how to hold a screwdriver and not injure your fingers if it slips. Professionals have perfected these skills to the point of automaticity. The specialist knows at what angle to hold his hand when tightening screws, and will never forget to turn off the electricity when replacing sockets. In addition, he always has his tools in order, which also helps to avoid injuries.


    Tools for small household work are not cheap, and are needed at best a couple of times a year. Even the cheapest tool will cost a considerable amount. For this money you can call a specialist with professional equipment. He will do it quickly and efficiently, and you won’t have to think about where to store bulky things.

    teak garden furniture
    Photo by CAGIN KARGI on Unsplash

    Teak wood furniture is popular due to the amazing structure of the wood, its durability and beautiful color.

    Caring for teak garden furniture is made easier by the fact that teak wood contains a lot of natural wood oils; they protect it from germs, mold, and rot without additional processing. These same oils act as a moisture-repellent impregnation.

    However, in order for your furniture to retain its quality and beautiful appearance for a long time, certain care rules must still be followed.

    Recommendations for teak care

    When we use furniture for a long time, a gray coating appears on it. It does not affect quality or durability, but unfortunately the wonderful golden hue of your teak garden bench or table will fade.

    Here are the factors that negatively affect the appearance of teak furniture:

    • exposure to direct sunlight;
    • contact with bleaching detergents, solvents, rust removers, solutions for treating garden plants.

    Some owners like this antique gray patina look, but if you want to maintain the original appearance of the furniture, follow simple tips.

    garden bench
    Photo by Carol Saliba on Unsplash

    Lifehacks from practitioners for caring for teak furniture:

    Remove dirt with running water and a mild soap solution. Teak Cleaner helps restore the natural beauty of a table or chair and remove stains on garden furniture.

    To remove rough or deep stains on furniture surfaces, you can use pre-moistened fine-grit sandpaper.

    After cleaning, apply Teak Shield to the teak surface. It adds resistance to wood to moisture, mold, and prevents the penetration of fats and liquids into it. Treat furniture in this way 2-3 times a year. After the procedures, even the plaque that appears is easily removed.

    Store garden furniture in a closed, ventilated area and cover it with fabric covers.

    Please note: it is important to maintain the correct concentration of products; with proper care, the furniture will retain its quality and serve you for a long time!

    Photo by Point3D Commercial Imaging Ltd. on Unsplash

    Boilers have long become one of the mandatory elements in every apartment. To do the installation yourself, you will need basic knowledge in construction, as well as electricity, because it is not as simple as it seems.

    Or you can always ask boiler installation Edinburgh specialists for help.

    In order to install a boiler yourself, you need to adhere to strict rules, and basically this means shutting off all pipes with the water supply, as well as turning off the electricity in the apartment or house.

    If we install it correctly, then its performance will last for years and without any problems. But if we connect our installation incorrectly, a short circuit may occur, and subsequently flooding.


    When it comes to making wise investments, the real estate sector often stands out as a reliable choice. The UK, with its diverse cities and vibrant property market, offers numerous opportunities for investors looking to grow their portfolios. In this article, we will explore the top three cities in the UK for property investment, providing you with valuable insights to help you make informed decisions.


    London, the capital city of the United Kingdom, has long been a hotspot for property investment. Its magnetic charm, cultural richness, and economic stability make it a prime choice for investors worldwide. The city’s real estate market offers a wide range of options, from luxurious apartments to charming flats and new build homes.

    The demand for housing in London is evergreen, driven by its status as a global financial hub and a melting pot of cultures. The term new build homes in London is particularly relevant in this context, as property developments continue to reshape the city’s skyline. These investments provide not only a secure place to park your money but also the potential for substantial returns. So, if you’re considering property investment, London should undoubtedly be on your radar.

    street view

    When it comes to property, the question of neighbourhood comes up. Greenwich, for example, offers a wide range of options, from elegant new buildings to classic homes with a rich history. Investing in this neighbourhood is like investing in artful paintings by famous artists – they only get better with time. Whether you’re on the hunt for apartments or detached homes, you’ll find properties that give you value for your money. All in all, new homes in Greenwich are the epitome of a family-friendly environment embedded in a historical framework.


    In recent years, Manchester has emerged as a strong contender in the UK’s property investment landscape. This vibrant city, known for its rich industrial history, has transformed into a modern metropolis with a burgeoning tech industry, thriving universities, and a lively cultural scene. All these factors contribute to a steady influx of residents, making property investments in Manchester a lucrative endeavor.

    The city boasts a mix of residential properties, including apartments, houses, and developments that cater to various budgets and preferences. With a diverse range of options, investors can easily find opportunities that align with their investment goals. Moreover, Manchester’s strong rental market ensures a consistent stream of income for buy-to-let investors, adding to its appeal as a property investment destination.


    street without trees

    Nestled in the heart of England, Birmingham has gained prominence as a property investment hub. This thriving city offers a unique blend of historical charm and modern development. With a growing population and a booming job market, Birmingham has become an attractive destination for property investors seeking long-term growth.

    The city’s property market offers an array of choices, from traditional homes to contemporary developments. Property investment in Birmingham is not only about immediate returns but also the promise of sustained growth as the city continues to evolve. Additionally, Birmingham’s strategic location in the UK makes it a transportation hub, further enhancing its appeal for investors looking for property with excellent connectivity.

    The United Kingdom offers a wealth of opportunities for property investors, with London, Manchester, and Birmingham leading the way. These cities combine economic stability, cultural richness, and diverse property options to create an ideal environment for real estate investments. Whether you’re looking for luxury apartments, new build homes, or traditional houses, these cities have something to offer every investor. So, take the plunge and explore the potential of property investment in these top-notch UK cities. Your financial future might just find its home here.


    Are you frequently left wondering why your utility bill is skyrocketing each month? Do you scratch your head, perplexed by these seemingly unreasonable increases? Well, an aging heating and air conditioning system could be the unanticipated culprit lurking behind this surge. Add to this the relentless inflation and escalating cost of goods, and you find your wallet being relentlessly squeezed.

    Now, imagine a solution. Picture yourself reaching out to a highly reputable heating and air conditioning company based right here in Chicago, ready to tackle your system’s inefficiencies head-on.

    An experienced HVAC technician graces your doorstep, keen on performing maintenance on your aging heating and air conditioning system. As they delve deeper into your system, they break the news – the age of your heating and cooling system is a major contributor to your dizzyingly high utility bills. While the maintenance certainly ensures the safety of your system, it might not bring the dramatic reduction in your utility costs you were hoping for.

    But is your system’s age the only concern? Not quite.

    Take a good look at your furnace. Do you see a dated piece of equipment that’s past its prime? Now, envision its replacement, a furnace that promises not only enhanced performance but also improved energy efficiency.

    The aging of your heating and air conditioning system indeed feeds into your spiraling utility bills. But that’s not the end of the story. It also opens a Pandora’s box of potential safety risks.


    Beyond the risk of carbon monoxide, your aging furnace can create the dangerous reality of high electrical currents. Your evaporator coil, a crucial part of your central air system, isn’t immune either. Clogged and dirty evaporator coils can cause breathing issues, turning your comfortable home into a hazard zone.

    So, why endure these high costs and safety risks when a solution is within your grasp?

    The age of your heating and air conditioning system unquestionably plays a significant role in your escalating utility costs. But here’s the good news – you have the power to change this narrative.

    Today could be the day you take control. Let’s turn a new leaf in your home’s comfort and safety. Contact us for a free estimate on a brand new, energy-efficient heating and air conditioning system. Your wallet, your safety, and your peace of mind will thank you.

    people on the terrace
    Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

    A country house is a complex system consisting of a mass of interrelated things that affect the comfort of living in it. This is how the house is built, and the land plot, and the environment, and ecology, and much more. For example, there are many houses for sale Burnley. Having no experience of country life, it is difficult to imagine what the purchase of a country house will result in the future, which moments will bring true joy, and which will overshadow living, which will be unacceptable, spoil life and force you to sell the house.

    Here are 11 points to pay attention to when choosing a house for country life.

    1. Location and Infrastructure directly affect not only the price of the purchased property, but also the convenience of moving between home, work, kindergartens, schools, etc. It is worth finding out in advance where the relevant objects are located nearby: shops or shopping centers, medical institutions, schools, kindergartens, educational centers, household services, etc.
    2. Land plot. It is necessary to pay attention to many aspects at once: the area of the plot, the slope of the plot, its shape, soil, soil moisture, the presence of a drainage system, the presence of green spaces, landscaping of the site, the presence and quality of the fence.
    3. The location of the house on the plot. It must first of all comply with accepted standards. The direction of the windows is of no small importance.
    4. The material of house walls. The material of which the house is built, and how well it is made, determines its durability. It has a direct relation to the comfort of living.
    5. Foundation and basement. In order to fully assess the quality of the foundation, you need to attract specialists. Problems with the foundation can have disastrous consequences for the house as a whole.
    6. Its construction, roof and the quality of its laying provide protection from natural precipitation and directly affect the efficiency of the house.
    7. Ceilings and floors. They are hidden from the eyes of observers inside the flooring, so it is difficult for a layman to assess their condition. In addition, you need to understand whether the load-bearing capacity of the floors is calculated correctly.
    8. The way the space inside the house is planned determines its functionality, and as a result – the comfort of living.
    9. Windows and doors. They perform three main functions in a country house: protection from penetration, heat preservation, and are elements of interior design. Pay attention to the condition and quality of windows and doors.
    10. Engineering communications and life support systems. These systems are designed to bring urban comfort to the comfort of suburban life. The degree of their reliability should be high.
    11. The amount of expenses that will have to be incurred in connection with living outside the city. It can cause disappointment to an unprepared city dweller.

    Choosing and buying a country house is an extremely serious matter, the implementation of which requires various specific knowledge.

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