Maintenance of the home elevator

Nowadays, you can often find home elevators.
They are no longer exotic. Owners of such real estate highly value their time, as well as comfort. Also, do not forget that an elevator is a safe way to climb or descend to the desired floor for young children, the elderly or people with disabilities. Because of this, owners install lifts for passengers in the houses. The presented solution has many advantages. Modern elevators are characterized by a high level of reliability and safety, but at the same time they need high-quality and regular maintenance. Therefore, it is important to find specialists who will check and maybe suggest refurbishing your lift.
Specialists should carry out repair and maintenance of elevators in residential buildings and buildings for various purposes. The company should employ craftsmen with many years of experience, which will guarantee you the high quality of the work performed.
Features of maintenance
Elevator maintenance is a complex of measures necessary to ensure the operability and safety of the lifting mechanism.
The need for timely maintenance is explained by the fact that during operation the elevator is subjected to a significant load.
It is much smaller compared to an elevator in a multi-storey building, but it still exists. During operation, natural wear of the structure and important components occurs. Thanks to maintenance, it is possible to minimize depreciation and ensure safety for passengers.
Also, during maintenance, a specialist may suggest upgrading or refurbishing your lift.
Service procedure
- visual evaluation;
- diagnostics of the mechanism operation;
- cleaning of the elevator and equipment of all kinds of pollution;
- performing lubrication of all movable components;
- compliance with tuning and adjustments;
- replacement of consumables;
- performing routine repairs.
With what regularity is it necessary to carry out maintenance
In multi-storey buildings, maintenance is required every thirty days. In your home, the load level is much lower, thus, elevator maintenance should be performed less often, namely:
- quarterly – inspection of the mechanism;
- check the details of the device every six months;
- once a year, a full range of activities related to all components of the elevator is required.
If you want the elevator to work for a long time and trouble-free, you should check the equipment and its maintenance in a timely manner. The presented work should be carried out by experienced specialists who are well familiar with the design and features of the elevator.